Prof Mansor Mohd Noor from UKM was the guest speaker. The emphasis was on the element of citizenship and how it is to be incorprated into the teaching of History. A lively speaker who kept us laughing most of the time. He was very proud to inform us that he has 20 children! A friendly person who didn't mind at all sitting with me and Ms Chan during breakfast.

Lady boss....Pn Norzamani heads the History department in BPK. Her daughter was my former student. Very focussed in her job and we were totally pushed and driven to produce results that she wants in about 2 days as she has to present them to the ministry.
We were divided to three groups. I was in this group led by Cik Umi Salmah who was recently promoted to BPK. The other two men teachers are from NS. Cik Umi was teaching in NS too.
En Mohd Kamel is from Selangor and Pn Inthrani is from NS. Pn Inthrani is a familiar face around NS where History is concerned.
Pn Julita and Pn Salmah from Kuala Selangor and Sungai Buloh. Had a nice time getting to know them especially Pn Julita. Being in a smaller group helps a lot in terms of socializing.
That's me with them. Very tired already after using the brains too much.
The first group which was real loud and noisy. That man is En Muslimin who is one of the writers for the Form 5 History text. Jovial and loud.
Ms Chan Nelee; my roommate. She is from STPD and gave me a lift. She is also Chan Mee Lee's good friend (CML sits opposite me in the staff room). It was a last minute thing that I managed to get a lift from her. Next to her is Pn Halvinder (I think) from Selangor; met her in previous meetings. She is my students' aunt.
Well, that is some pictures from my experience the past couple of days. The team will be meeting again in a fortnight but unfortunately I had to decline. I feel bad for doing Pn Zam says,' It's a privilege to be in the group as we are allowed to have some first hand knowledge into certain matters.' But I have to lay out my priorities and I'm afraid that my duty to my school comes first. I will be away for invigilation the next week and a half and if I take off to meet with BPK; it would mean missing school for two weeks. Too long away from the I can't sacrifice my time with them.