I've visited two different doctors four times in the past 8 days. Infact this morning, Dr Lim jumped into my car to take a look at Dan.
It all started two weeks ago when Dan had the flu and fever. Took antibiotic and seemed alright after that. On Wednesday, he got caught in the rain while getting in and out of the car. By the time I reached home at 5.30pm, he was shivering. After dinner, he was real hot. The next day, I took him to a different doctor and had blood test done. Bacterial...what a relief.
Then when Lyn came home, she didn't look good. She was also feverish. Put her at home on Friday.
On Friday evening, mom didn't look good. Coughing real bad and hot. Took her to the doctor on Saturday. Ma was really different from the kids; she had no energy at all and couldn't make it to the toilet on time because she had no energy to walk fast.
Saturday night; ie last night...Dan phoned me while I was at a dinner. He has rashes all over. When I checked him I was shock to see him red from head to toes. In just two hours; the rashes just broke out. I spend the whole of last night waking up every now and then to check on both ma and Dan.
Thank God ma is so much better now. Dan has measles but he seems pretty active and his usual self. Thank God.
Now, I'm about to kaput. Head heavy, mind drifting off.