Before CNY I thought I would be able to take some pictures to blog about the celebration. Unfortunately this CNY has been too too dramatic and hectic. The only pictures I have are from CNY Eve and not that many.
Anyway the two pictures below has a story to tell. I bought yee sang from Harp Key (usually I get it from restaurants where everything is ready....just mix and eat) for Reunion Dinner KHoe's house. Bought smoked salmon to add to it and also pomelo.
We were pretty excited as all of us love yeesang (except Dan). I opened up the packaging and threw everything into the container. Then we started to loww...........with all the wonderful wishes and blessings for everyone esp the kids sitting for major exams this year.
Khoe was the first to taste a mouthful of the yeesang and he went....salty salty!!!!! I was shocked....what did I do wrong? Ah yean picked up a container which had a label in chinese which said....wash something something.....
AAAArgh......being illiterate in would I know what the label said? When I asked...somebody just replied; it's jellyfish. I was to wash the salted jellyfish in water first!!! So we had to throw away the yeesang. So so sad.
When I was a kid, I remembered eldest sis used to remind us....don't cry/fight on CNY. We must start our CNY on the right foot; then the whole year will be smooth. She was pretty superstitious. I don't think I am superstitious....but this Rabbit year has started off with great challenges.
Anyway....I remember another CNY blunder. KC's birthday is somewhere around CNY. One CNY, I decided to get a birthday cake from Secret Recipe and celebrate his birthday with my in-laws. When I took the cake out of the fridge, the box slipped from my hands and the cake dropped to the floor. It was totally smashed up. I was so upset that I just burst into tears. That was one cake that was not served and we didn't sing him the birthday song.
The yeesang....all ready to be tossed. Smoked salmon on top.
Tossing or 'lowing' the yeesang. As we toss, we will give blessing for the coming year. Just before the New Year ended yesterday, I bought a yeesang to eat with Wen and Lyn. It was so so good.
haiyohai, such a pity with the low sang.... and hope Uncle KC didn't mind too much. After all it's the thot that counts - he knows you went to all that trouble for him, right? :)
You know something.... I've never tried yee sang. Must do it one of these years.
AJ7: Don't u have yee sang up north? It's most popular here...before cny; it's already in the restaurants. But I only got to know yee sang when I moved here...
PP: do you get yee sang over there? U said Chinatown has everything...
my Mum made some for us before... but i just don't like cold fish salad :( so I don't have it or miss it :)
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