Friday, February 25, 2011

condom or condor??

Son : Mum, what's the meaning of condom?
Mum: Hah? Where did you learn that word?
Son : Geronimo Stilton's book. Is it some kind of bird?
Mum: Spell it.
Son : C-O-N-D-O-R
Mum: (relieved) Ooooh, condor...yeah it's a bird like vulture.
Son : Then, what is condom?
Mum: (long pause, should I ask him to ask the dad?) Err...something that is not important; no need to know.


PreciousPearl said...

ahahaha! Poor Dan, you should let him know the facts of life mah. I would have said "it's a prophylactic", then asked him to look up the word in his dictionary :D prophylactic, I mean :D

ing said...

hahhahaha ... u not sporting la ...
look what my friend post on her FB ... her son also ask her the same question... also primary school boy .. and this frd .. got twin boys ok!!

Elijah: Mom, what's a condom?
Me: A contraceptive device, to keep people from getting pregnant during sex.
Elijah: When do you think I should get one?
Me: When do you think you'll be starting on the whole sex thing?

BuffaFly said...

wei...he's not too young to know leh. and better he hear it from you than misconstrued facts from his friends.