Tuesday, April 13, 2010

ipod touch

I have a new toy and it is keeping me occupied every waking minute. I must stop fiddling with it but of course, the novelty of it will soon wear out.

How did this come about? I had been eyeing at Ms Liau's netbook. Thought it would be more portable for me to carry it around to read my books. Almost went to get it and then read Amelia's blogs and her many praises on the ipod touch. Oh my...I was totally bought over by high reviews. One of her messages ended with, 'throw caution to the wind...' That was it!!! I thought to myself why be conservative and always stick to what I am familiar with? Throw caution to the wind!!!

After asking around a bit, the response to it was most positive. Looks like every person whom I know who owns an ipod touch or iphone is very proud of it and has no regrets. Infact, Justine wanted me to get the iphone and not the itouch. Unneccessary extravagance for me...

According to brother, Clareen has an iphone for $C199.00 with their telco plan, of course. And itouch like mine is $C198.00. It's definitely more advisable to get the iphone then. I think Ong got his iphone for $S300.00. Just don't know why it's so expensive here.

I am at the moment learning how to sync etc. The books are definitely great. I have quite a long list already and I know more will come once I know how to download from the laptop to the itouch. Reading is definitely cooler. Am glad I didn't get the netbook; otherwise it's just like reading from the laptop except slightly smaller.

Lyn is so excited. She found the book 'Twenty Years After' by Alexander Dumas. She was itching to get hold of it after she read 'The three Musketeers'.

I'm looking forward to its every cent's worth. Thanks to KC for another useful present.


AJ7 said...

And to me for telling you to throw caution to the wind... LOL!!! Am glad you are finding your toy entertaining. I've had mine for around 6 months... the novelty hasn't worn off yet. Wait till you start on the podcasts.....

PreciousPearl said...

woot! new toy!

Jean Denise said...


ing said...

arlo .... ppl w canggih pun toy ... quick la ... blog sikit ... farni2 stuff ke .... cute2 stuff ke ... entertain me bit .... also ... ppl tengah bertension ... u tengah berboring kat sana w new toy

emily @ shinyshampoo said...

hahaha.. i think she too busy with the ipod edi.. lol~