Thursday, November 4, 2010


I was trying to relax last night when Dan came along to remind me that I need to go to school to meet his headmaster to explain why he is not attending extra classes during the holiday!!!

I should have just lied in the letter I wrote and said that I will be bringing my children away for holiday instead of being so blatantly honest and explained that I will be invigilating SPM and therefore I may not be able to rush on time to pick him up after the extra class. If it is a schooling day it's ok for him to stay around till I come to fetch him as there will still be students and teachers around. But it's holiday.....the school will be empty in no time once the extra class is over. I may be delayed for an hour or more. Can't the stupid teacher and headmaster understand another fellow teacher's predicament and be kind and merciful?

I am so so angry with this silly Chinese School system that I am breathing fire now.

I am not a kiasu person....I don't rush my kids all over the world for the best tuition teacher or for tuitions so that they score As. I allow them to go for tuition only when they request it or when I can't help them like the Chinese Language. Whatever Dan learns in this extra class will be forgotten in no time. He has to relearn again next year. Why rush next year's syllabus this year? Is it going to make him smarter and guarantee him As? I doubt. He will get whatever he gets for his UPSR whether he goes for the extra classes or not.

Infact the last extra classes which they had after UPSR exam for the Standard 5s (Mon to Thurs up till 430pm) wore him out totally and by the end of it he fell sick and skipped the last few extra classes. He had no time to do his own revision for the final exam. He was so tired after school and on certain days he had to attend his own personal tuitions.

He mentioned that a few times there were no teachers for the extra class and sometimes after giving the students work to do; the teachers don't even discuss the answers. What is the point of the extra class then??

If I were to go to see the headmaster today, I'm not sure if I can control my temper or not. Anyway, what can he do if my son does not turn up for the tuition during the holiday? The only person who will be frightened everyday till I meet him will be Dan.

Why take the holiday out of the holiday? Might as well don't have holiday at all.

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