Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Kodok in Malay means toad. I learnt this term in Puteri. Not sure if it is used elsewhere. Kodok means the person one admires who is of the same sex. I suppose Kodok is the masculine female.

There are lots of kodok-menkodok in school. The juniors will admire seniors and vice-versa. Quite a few times, when I am teaching, the students will suddenly look out of the class at some girls who pass by ... one of their kodoks!!

Today, a girl gave a very nasty letter written by someone. The writer of the letter is jealous of her because the writer admires the senior who has now become the her kodok. I also found out that this junior has been staying back after to school to meet with her kodok in one of the classrooms. What they do, I don't know.

There also had been tales of kodoks with their girlfriends going in to toilets together. Then there had been kodoks who carved the girlfriends' names on their wrists to prove their love.....

I grew up in a Convent school; an all girls school just like Puteri. I do remember admiring seniors too but it had always been from afar. We were never bold like these girls who pursue and show their intention openly.

Could this be a syndrome in an all girl school? This is the time when teenagers begin to learn, experience and experiment their feelings for the opposite sex. I guess being limited to only girls, some begin to show their masculinity while others start to be attracted to them. Well, as long as it's admiration without sexual feelings involved; I think it is alright and a good start to friendship.

But....there are some who have gone beyond the normal, pure friendship between girls.

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