Thursday, October 21, 2010

ring tone

Today ma asked Lyn to change her handphone ringtone. Her ringtone was cock a doodle doo; now it's ring ring....

She thinks that when she phones people; their phone will go cock a doodle they will know the call is from her. She has been trying to call somebody and she thinks that body is trying to avoid her call. Therefore she thinks that if she changes her ringtone, she is able to trick that person to take the call.

Lyn said she didn't want to tell her it's not true and explain to her why because it will just get her all confused. I think almost all of us girls from me to the three girls, Ing and now Lyn has gone through the exact situation with her and she is still adamant that she is right!!!

That's my ma.


ing said...

hahahhaa ..... my ma ... soooo cute ..... and sooo hip ....

PreciousPearl said...

it's her prerogative lol

AJ7 said...

cock-a-doodle-doo is so cute... 8)