Saturday, March 3, 2012

the ugly Malaysian...

Attended a buffet dinner in a friend's house today. It was raining heavily. A steady stream of people were coming in and soon all the seats were taken up. There was still more people coming in and hanging around waiting for empty seats.

My family and I ate our share and quickly excused ourselves so that others can have our seats. I was quite sad to see that those who came in the earliest continued to linger and gave no consideration to the other guests standing.

What makes me sadder is...they are my church members. This dear friends are very generous and big-hearted people. I think it will be really considerate if the earlier guests could be kind to the hosts and allow room for others especially as it was raining and the place was getting a bit cramped.

Why do we not walk the talk? If we preach the fruits of the spirit....isn't this one situation where we can show the fruits?

1 comment:

AJ7 said...

It's easy to preach... harder to walk the talk...