The government is employing 300 over native speaking English teachers from UK and Australia beginning next year to teach here. From what I understand, they are to train the English teachers (I might be one of the 'lucky' fellows who will soon be speaking with a British or Australian accent).
I first heard about it many months ago from a fellow colleague. My thoughts were these:
a. We, English teachers have not been teaching well or don't know how to teach; therefore the government has to bring angmo in to teach our students English.
b. Good....send them to the interior...keep them there for 10 years and we will see what kind of students they produce.
c. them in pound??? That will burn the hole in the Government's pocket bigger!! I am sure they will not be paid like how I am paid now; surely double or triple of mine!! Otherwise when they return to UK (after exchanging the money) they will be as poor as church mouse!
To my great disappointment, we will not be able to see how well these native speaking English teachers will perform in the interior. They are to train the teachers or something like that. I did not read the details in the paper; so am not too sure what and how exactly this is going to happen. Come 2011, this project to strengthen the English Language in school will unfold!!!
An afterthought: maybe if the government didn't employ these angmo; we would be given our bonus. Hmm....I am definitely not looking forward to them.
really silly and stupid .... inviting imperialism back .... and put Malaysians back into ... xaman purba ... orang putih pandai and baik .... kita masih bawah orang putih zaman ...
i vote mangrish :D
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