Thursday, October 20, 2011

vegetables in her pocket...

She was searching her pocket, touching and turning it....Ing, get the vegetables for response from Ing. Then..SM, get the vegetables for me. When I asked why she needed the vegetables, she couldn't answer me. So I touched her pocket and rubbed her tummy for a while but she wasn't satisfied.

Finally I asked Lyn to get me a carrot from the fridge. I placed it in her hands and asked her what it was. Cabbage, she said. She returned it to me and said she doesn't want it anymore.

Next she tried getting up. Asked her where she wants to go, she said she wants to go pasar to buy vegetable. Very confused today.
Ma returning me the carrot.

1 comment:

PreciousPearl said...

oh, yr poor Mum! I hope she's not too distressed and that her clarity improves shortly