Friday, March 19, 2010

paktoh 2

This morning KC and I went for our monthly date. I remembered to bring my camera today. It was quite hot by the time we reached there because we stopped for breakfast. Quite noisy also as there were workers around cutting grass and the crows were real loud.

We finally settled under a tree with a table like this. Quite cooling here and able to view the lake.

Brought my Bible along to read together. This Bible was given to me by the kids one Christmas (EE helped them in the purchase).

While flicking through the Bible I saw this long forgotten note. It was written by Dan one night while I was watching TV. He folded it into a paper plane and threw it down from upstairs.

The passage we were reading from Galatians 1:6-12. A reminder to us to know God's Word and be firm in it and not go around interpreting it as we like to suit our whims and fancies.

The camera helped me a lot in slowing down and looking around at things. I took my time to look for sights that I would normally take for granted. There was a loud crow above us...I managed to capture it in pictures. Look .. the beak is open...making its presence known.

Then I noticed the position of the sun and thought it would be nice to catch our shadow.

Later we went to a gazebo to pray with our eyes open so that we could enjoy nature. From where we stood, I saw this pretty picture; flowers and greens and reflections on the lake. Real nice and quaint.

A terrapin and a fish swimming together.

We were quite astonished to see these fishes; mouth wide open at the surface of the water. There were quite a number around.
As usual we ended our date with some conclusions. This time was on self discipline/focus in what we do and values that we want to hold together as a family and we listed out 4 values:
i. be God fearing
ii. truthful/integrity
iii. give our best in whatever we do
iv. stick together as a family through thick and thin
Wonderful time again...praise God.


PreciousPearl said...

awwwww.... so cute! we seem to only have time to be Cavebaby's chauffeur, chaperone and banker these days. Maybe it will get better as she gets older. At least unlike some of her friends, she really likes school.

Sia Mooi said...

don't worry...ur time will come sooner than u think!!! Just look out for holidays!

AJ7 said...

PP... looks like you and I paktor with lamp post around...