I don't know of any good doctors nearby and Dr Lim's clinic was already closed. So decided to take her straight to the Klinik Kesihatan which closes at 9pm. When the HA found out that she had a fall, he refused to check her further and asked her to be sent to GH. He said she could have a fracture. (I wonder is that the case or is he just making excuses as it was late).
So I took her to the GH (emergency) and the doctor attented to her quite fast. As a senior citizen, she gets priority. The doctor said it is just a minor cut, no swelling and no x-ray needed. What a relief. Her blood pressure is absolutely normal. She gave some possible reasons why mother is dizzy. I agree with the doctor's opinion that mum does not have enough rest and at her old age, her nerves are not so sensitive.
Mother is very restless and worries easily nowadays. She was very upset on the way to hospital because she couldn't get to Win last night.
I had to threaten her that if she doesn't rest well and still fiddles with the housework, I will not allow her to go Singapore this Friday. She was very frightened and said she is alright. Feel bad for being so mean but I have to make her see that she is not 18 but 80.
Mother's head bandaged. She was upset that the nurse shaved a little of her hair. Now her hair won't look good for the convocation.
suddenly i feel bad pulak coz ama worried about me..
i forgot to call her >.>..
my hp bat is flat & i was out..
i reach room quite late d..tats y din call her back =/
sorry >.<
it's ok la...u know she worry a lot ... she was wondering y u din pick up her call.
hope my grandma is fine now.. hope she won't get too tired from her travel to Singapore later...
your poor Ma! hope she is feeling better and her (cruel) daughter lets her go to the convo in S'pore...
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