In Seremban, almost every household serves keropok during CNY and it is usually served with acar. I have learnt to make keropok from my MIL. Years ago when I had a maid around, used to make a few rounds of keropok during the Nov/Dec holiday. Now I spend so much money buying it.
Making it is quite time consuming. Have to shell the prawns (udang kertas); small and soft/white shell....2kg to a kg of tapioca flour. Kneading and steaming is easier. Drying it is another hassle. Can take days; depending on the weather. But it is a must every year to have keropok in the house. CNY will not be complete without it.
The keropok before is sliced using a slicer, the pressure when slicing will decide the thickness. This is quite thin. KC likes it thicker.
The keropok after frying it. I have a big biscuit tin to put the keropok. Making keropok takes days, eating it is just like seconds.
My resolution this CNY is to make keropok this year!!!!!!
aiyer, u r trying to wind me up ah? 4 peket for $100!!!! adoi!
each paket weighs bout 500g. it's considered cheap..seen more expensive ones. dat is y i hv to start making dem la....too expensive n just c how my fmly demands for it!!!!!
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